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Looking for someone to make Jechts sword


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i have some minor fixes to do. It is a bit to big don't you think?

For the play-test i even but the speed a bit higher. It was hilarious! Smashing guards with a 2 m blade with the speed of a dagger. I might even keep it that way when i realese it :P


Where should i put it in game? the IC market district is full of L33's stuff lately, so i guess somewhere else :)

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oook the sword is 100% ready to be realsed but tbh i don't just want to dump it in the bloodworks. Maybe i could keep the location secret and giving the palyers some clues?

But for this i will need help from someone expirienced with CS and maybe a lil' quest making. If there will be no one avalibe for help i'll upload an esp with the sword in the bloodworks :)


I hope somone wants to have some fun with a lil modding :)


Reply or PM me please

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hehe well i guess it would be similar to what i did right now...i said the sword was 100% complete. But now I realized i forgot to export the collision xD

but still, L33 do you think you're up to the job to help me? I realy don't know much about the CS and i would probably spend 10 hours just to place 3 notes with new textin the game XD

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Well, let's keep this simple:


we could use the old story of an old crazy/bored noble man that before his death left some clues about a heirloom that is hidden somewhere (we must still decide where)

He would leave some clues like notes or maps.

i don't realy have an idea where to start...I guess we must first decide where the sword will be hidden. Suggestions?

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