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I Have A Problem With Any Hair Mod...


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My problem it's that every type of Hair mod i activate make every NPC mute.They don't talk,i only see the subtitles.

Someone can help me?

I've made a search but i haven't found anything useful,maybe i have do something wrong :(

Thanks for any help

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Argh! Please be patient, I understand that you are having a difficult time and are desperate for help, but we do not allow double posting and thread bumping on these forums.


Besides, the great thing is you can at least switch off the offending mod, I doubt you really need it that much. It sounds to me like you might have a mod conflict, if you are running any other mods, try disabling them all except the hair one. Then enable one mod at a time to see where the possible conflict might occur.


If all else fails, then simply disable the mod. Hope you backed up your savegames.

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Thanks for your reply Stampede

Sorry for my bump,but i really needed some help.

I'll give a try but it seems strange really...i don't have many mods installed...could be the QuickChar mod?

Maybe i need to contact the mod creator.

Again,sorry for the bumpage

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