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Very Strange FOSE problem


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Hey, I downloaded and installed FOSE v1.2 b2 recently, and after trying out the J3Xified Driveable Motorcycle mod, I noticed a weird glitch when getting off of my bike and going into first-person.


I figured that this was a mod specific glitch, so I uninstalled the motorcycle mod. A couple of minutes ago I downloaded the 1st Person Knockdowns FINAL mod, and lo-and-behold, the problem happens again, but only on the left hand.

Image 2

It persists if I load a previous save in the same session, and only goes away if I exit to the main menu or desktop and reload my save. I think that this certain glitch is the result of an animation playing on the hand and never resetting, but if this is the case, then how do I fix it? Is it a bug with the beta? A mod confliction? Both? Any help would be awesome.

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I've encountered the problem before, both are mod related bugs that haven't been fixed yet. The animations for the knock down and motorcycle involves hand gripping animation. It's a common bug with custom animations. Might sound harsh, but your only way to fix is to not use the mod and start a new game or a previous save before using those mods.
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  • 8 years later...

Hey, I downloaded and installed FOSE v1.2 b2 recently, and after trying out the J3Xified Driveable Motorcycle mod, I noticed a weird glitch when getting off of my bike and going into first-person.


I figured that this was a mod specific glitch, so I uninstalled the motorcycle mod. A couple of minutes ago I downloaded the 1st Person Knockdowns FINAL mod, and lo-and-behold, the problem happens again, but only on the left hand.

Image 2

It persists if I load a previous save in the same session, and only goes away if I exit to the main menu or desktop and reload my save. I think that this certain glitch is the result of an animation playing on the hand and never resetting, but if this is the case, then how do I fix it? Is it a bug with the beta? A mod confliction? Both? Any help would be awesome.


I know it's been 8 years and I apologize for necroing this thread, but do you by any chance still have a copy of the First Person Knockdown Mod for Fallout 3? I've been looking EVERYWHERE for it!

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