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oblivion not starting


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hi guys,


i had a problem with missing meshes in bruma, i think it were those sockets with the fires on them. anyway, i tried to solve this by installing Dalls_Bruma. (what a *manure* idea). well, now oblivion wont even start, neither with obse nor the vanilla starter. ofc i removed anything this mod had installed, first manually, then with wyrebash.

there is not even an error when i try to launch oblivion. it just ends. i really dont know what to do, because


a) i never had this kind of problem before

b) only trying to install Dalls_Bruma caused this

c) i removed EVERY little piece of crap that this mod had left behind


still its screwed, so what the *ban me*!! i need help please :confused:







ofc i tried to restart computer, shut every programme in the background down, etc. (sometimes it helps, dont ask why.)

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If you tried all that and it still does not work I have two suggestions.


1. Any other mods? Sometimes when you have a mod check in the data files from the oblivion start screen and it need some other file to go along with it, it will just not start. Unlikely for you I think.


2. Just uninstall and reinstall the game. If you saved a game, when you reinstall your game will still continue, that is unless you delete it.

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I had that a few times in the past when i installed quite a few different mods. It may have been the load order that you had.



Edit: I found it was mainly the city or magic replacers that caused the problem for me. Although sometimes it worked too.


You could try to change the load order around using OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) - Which i believe is available on the Nexus.



Don't forget, when you are applying new mods to your game, make sure you make a backup of your working game so you don't end up losing everything, and having to download/reinstall your mods again. It can lead to many problems, and headaches!


When you uninstall Oblivion- Not every file is removed. The Official Plugins and the player-made ones will not be deleted, you have to go and manually delete all of these before starting again. There is a guide somewhere from Bben46 somewhere. I think it might be in Oblivion Technical Support for it.


Kind Regards,



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What are you getting? Purple items or the great big "WTF!" signs?? The WTFs are awol meshes. Purple items are AWOL textures. And remember, just because something's not in your mod list doesn't mean its not there. Replacers frequently don't have ESPs/ESMs... pay close attention to what you install.

Also, if Dall's uses any replacement meshes/textures(I don't know because I use Better Cities) and you've just wiped out whatever was in that package, you've just wiped textures and meshes that you actually need. Fortunately, unless you're using a different mod that modifies Bruma, you still have the vanilla ones in your BSAs. If you have an "Archive Invalidation" text file in your Oblivion folder (NOT Data. The one with your Oblivion.exe in it) find it and delete any references to Bruma in it. That should let your game start using the vanilla textures from the BSA's again. Don't wipe them all out at once, as some may still be in use, and keep a note of any entries you do wipe in case you kill something you actually need. Start with the things that look like your issue first; for example, those "sockets with the fires on them" are likely named Braziers or something like that (this is without looking as I'm at work, so don't take this as gospel. ;) ) so if you're only missing the textures (as in the item 'appears' in game but it has no texture files and therefore you can't actually see it - hit "twf" to turn wireframe mode on in the console and look for em) you'd probably be looking for entries along the lines of "textures/architecture/bruma/brazierframe.dds" in the archiveinvalidation.txt. Without the " " though.


NB- OBMM has an inbuilt Archive Invalidation system that I'm not familiar with - don't know what that does or if it even uses the archiveinvalidation.txt

NBB- ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated (mod) I think adds the entries automatically, but it doesn't delete them. Please note the words "I think".... its a helluva long time since I used that, either.



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