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Lucy West Companion hates me?


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So, using SCC, I made Lucy West my companion and stationed her in my tenpenny suite. This was quite a while ago. Now, whenever I come back, she tells me she heard about my shooting spree in Arefu and to get the hell away from her.


**I haven't been to Arefu since BEFORE I made her my companion.**


So I downloaded Lucy West Companion thinking that it should fix the problem, but it didn't.



What do I have to do to get her back? Is there a console command or G.E.C.K thing I can do?






I read that if Evan King dies then she will no longer open dialogue with you. I don't know how he died, but I resurrected him and it didn't help anything.


**after more research, I learned that if any allied Family or resident of Arefu die, then she won't talk to me. Vance died under my watch a while back, maybe this is the problem? Either way, how do I fix it?

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