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Infamous 2 Powers in Skyrim mod help


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Me too, I haven't made much progress yet with the mod, where I am I dont have my computer.

And L3GIONAIRE, you can look at the Creation Kit tutorials here http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials

And on youtube:


I have learned CK with youtube tutorials, forums and trial and error. So if you have any question about CK, just ask me.

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  • 9 months later...

Hello. Nobody has ever wanted to help with the scripting part of this mod (the hardest!). So I'm glad that you want to help me. All the electric powers are almost finished (except those needing papyrus); but can't do the quests part, as requires papyrus.

Nowadays, I'm having exams continuously on school, so I don't have much free time. Something that might be fun to make with the creation kit are elements. In the quests, there will be some conduits. As you know, every single conduit has a different power. So if you want, you could create new powers with the creation kit (if you want, you can also include the Infamous Second Son powers). Also, there are some electric powers that need papyrus, such as Detonation Blast, Ionic Storm, and Static Thrusters. I don't even know if they can be created on the CK, but when you learn papyrus, you might want to help me with it.

Thank you for your help.

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