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FemaleNord Voiced Follower


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I'm making a custom follower for myself and was cycling through the known follower compatible voices the see which one fit my follower but I was unable to "hire" her when I tried the FemaleNord voice type.


I know this is a follower voice because Mjoll uses it, is there something I'm not doing or does this voice need a little something extra the get it to work.


Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks.

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I have CurrentFollowerFaction set to -1 and have the relationship set to lover. While testing each voice I would just change it save and test in-game, while cycling voices it worked for all flower capable voice except this one.


EDIT: I just looked through the CK and Mjoll is the only follower that uses that voice and in the dismiss follower dialogue she says a unique line so there isn't any generic lines of dialogue to support any follower so it is technically a unique follower voice meaning I can't use it.

Edited by TanisDuncan
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