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Horror quest mod


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First off, im not a modder.. I have no idea how to mod, i would love to learn, but that is another topic all together. Heres what i got. Ive noticed that there really isnt any good horror quest mods for fallout.. To be perfectly honest, i surprises the hell out of me, considering the atmosphere, vanilla alone brings. Now when i say GOOD HORROR, i mean the type that leaves you sitting at your pc after your done, just staring at your monitor. Ive got a story, but i DONT have the ability to bring it to life. If anyone is interested in hearing me out and wanting to try to make this thing come to life pm me here or post on this thread. Now here are some foot notes for the quest.




Think of the movie cell, now replace it with a maniacal psychopath, hell bent on revenge and chaos and you have an idea..

Im talking dark sadistic atmosphere, Hellrazor type of characters (of course bound to FOSE capabilities)


example of atmosphere, characters, and sense of dred would be in the lines of say.. Event Horizon, hellrazor, the cell, in the mouth of madness


anyways, just an idea i have, the story would be pretty good with just me doing it, but better if i had some others great story tellers working with me.

Its an ambitious project, and really hope some of you awesome modders would like to help see this thing come to life.

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