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Request : Lore Friendly Armor Replacer & more!


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Hi, first of all :D


I'm a big fan of the Body replacer UNP/UNPB-BBP/SeveNBase Body, also I used the CBBE a pretty long time, but switched to the UNP and so on. I really love all those skimpy armors, revealing mods for SeveNBase and originel Mods for the UNP, but sometimes I really like the Vanilla Meshes of the Armors in combination with aMidianBorn Book of Silence by CaBaL- EmeraldReign-the AMB team. But because of the lack from working Armor Replacer for UNP/UNPB or even not complett. I stopped playing Skyrim and went over to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and came back after watching the newest videos from Gopher and MMOxReview, and of course because of the great memories and because I f***ing love this game, but still find no armor replacer for the Normal Look and it is a shame...
I even tried Armours by FastestDog - for SEVENBASE and UNPB by FastestDogInTheDistrict, but they seems don't to work for me.

You guys can believe me I like all the armors, it doesn't matter if they skimpy or not, but I really would have some normal Pack to add some Alternatives.


So I wonder if someone want to join me and work together to creat some Armors that work good and all or even to convert some armors to skyrim. I tried myself already on converting the vanilla to UNP etc. , but I cant make it to work.


I would love to work with someone and to increase my skills, also to creat something that could help everyone. I'm also aware of it that there is a Lore Friendly and SemiSkimpy Armors - UNPB-BBP by Statmonster, but I not always play with wightslider on 100, sometimes i like to play at 30,50 etc. , and sometimes they are not even complete.


I like the Sexy Vanilla Female Armor for UNP and SevenBase with BBP by Crosscrusade

Also the Mini Vamps UNP by HHaleyy and the original Dawnguard Vampire and Royal Vampire

from Halofarm, Halo's has some genial Panty texture underneath his version. :laugh:


And like I said some conversion like this one from LB Dragon Princess & Trielek armor Mix 1.1 it is a adult, but it would be a good alternative to a Vanilla mesh set :laugh:


Well anyways, to sums it up, I am requesting a mod that is finally complet and works something similar. Also I would really love to work with some people together, who have the talent, to bring the best result, to learn from them. I have enough patience and tolerate even the skimpyies or pervertest idea, but sometimes is more sexy and skimpy not, and sometimes even in the other way.


I'm sure there is many people here who have the talent and patience to do it which is something I don't have and I'm sure this mod would not only satisfy my needs but also the community ones. So send me a PM. I'm looking forward to hear from you guys :cool:


Thank you very much for your time !


Oh and sorry for my bad english, my native language is german xD

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