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Please make a mod that turns "off" the graphics.


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I have a shitty laptop

I can't afford to make a pc right now


Make a mod that turns off the swaying of grass and or get rid of grass and other minor details like that.

I can't really think of anything else other then make the game look like the first game.

I really dislike games that using swaying cloth or hair physics and while I can look past Geralts I can't look past the f*#@ing grass.


It's really odd that you can't turn it off and it bugs me.

If I'm wrong then correct me, but I even downloaded the teawker hoping for more options.



I may sound like an idiot to some, but plenty of other pc games have mods to increase performance such as ESC Skyrim and Fallout 3/and NV.


I'd really like to enjoy this games story without having to walk at 10 frames per second.





For instance the lighting coming from windows or the excess grass.
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