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BethSoft Games F.A.Q. and General Solutions


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Hello all,

This thread was primarily created for chat room support seekers. This does not mean that it will not be helpful to all users. Here you will find links to useful tools, and answers to repetitious questions. Please, do not be offended if someone links you to this thread, chat is not for support and questions asked are 9 times out of 10, not unique.


Q1: I've downloaded a mod, how do I install it?

Generally when dealing with Elder Scrolls Games, or Fallout games; you will be dealing with primarily the Root Directory/Data folders(Or Root Directory\Data Files in the case of Morrowind). .esps/.esms/.bsa and loose file containing mods most often are placed in the Data folder, within the root directory of the corresponding game. Now mind you ENBs and other various tools here and the there use the root directory instead. NMM will handle the installation of any Bethesda(or Obsidian) game's installation; apart from those that do NOT belong in the data folder.


Typically users prefer to use the site's official tool for such things; The Nexus Mod Manager(NMM)


Since this is primarily directed at new users, I suggest you go with the Nexus Mod Manager for now. Though for more advanced users you may consider looking in to Wyre Bash or The Mod Organizer.


In Depth Instructions:

Fallout 3



**Note ENBs are installed always in the root directory of the game you want it applied to. This video demonstrates with Skyrim, but it applies to all games**


Q2: NMM is not functioning via the "Download with NMM button" and/or cannot reach the sites servers.

A1: Make sure you are on the latest version.


A2: Attempt to manually download, and import the mod's archive via the puzzle piece Icon on the top left of the "Mods" tab of NMM


A3: If all else fails, the site may be experiencing a lot of traffic; refer to this link for offline usage instructions.


Q3: I've downloaded a mod and it isn't working. What should I do?

A1: Read the description of said mod, the Readme file and finally the comments section to see if it a common problem.


A2: Ensure you have the requirements of the mod.


A3: However you may have installed(Manual, NMM etc.) make sure that all contents of aforementioned mod have made it to their correct destination; .esm/.esm/.bsa files go in the "the root directory/data" folder; whereas mods like ENBs go in the root directory.


A4: Ensure that, if the mod has .esm/.esp files they are checked as active in either the launcher; or your favorite mod sorting utility.


Q4: I have a multiple mods that add weapons/creatures/NPCs/Items etc. into Skyrim's/FNV's/Oblivion's/F3's etc. world distribution; yet only a few seem to be working correctly.

A: You are in need of a Bashed Patch, created by the utility called "Wyre Bash." While technically a mod sorting program, this program creates a patch that will merge the "Leveled lists" of your mod to make them work in harmony with one another. It is not hard. A simple for their creation can be found at my guide at the bottom of section 4B. This patch will need to be updated with each new mod that adds content or creatures/NPCs for distribution throughout Skyrim, Oblivion and the Fallouts.

**Instructions linked above are intended for Skyrim but should work for all games that Wyre Bash Supports.**


Other Versions;


Fallout 3

Fallout New Vegas


Q5: I am suffering from frequent crashes. How should I proceed?

A1: This step applies especially to those who are crashing before reaching the main menu. First make sure your load order is alright with L.O.O.T. which has superseded the older B.O.S.S. Pay special attention to the messages in the report after running this tool, it will report dirty edits(will be covered in next answer), missing compatibility patches and helpful information for individual .esps; which could be causing your issues. **Applies to all Bethesda and Obsidian Games**


A2: Next run and get TES5EDIT to clean aforementioned "Dirty Edits". This is also covered at my guide in video format, also in section 4B, right at the top. The guide shows it in Skyrim but the utility is the same for all games and thus it can be used as a reference


Other Versions;





A3:(Skyrim Only) If these simple steps do not help you, then it's time to move on to a more drastic approach. My guide contains a plethora of useful information; tips, tricks and links to everything you'll need to stabilize your Skyrim experience. Yes it is quite long, but following it will all but guarantee that you will succeed in your attempts to stabilize skyrim.


Utilities for Skyrim;

Skyrim Script Extender(SKSE) - What it is. It is required for many of the greatest mods found here on the nexus.


SkyUI - This mod adds a nifty new UI to replace Skyrim's old busted one. It also provides users with a "Mod Configuration Menu" to allow them to configure compatible mods to their liking. All mods that reference and "McM Menu" require this mod, or at least require it to access said McM functions.


SkyUI-Away - For those who want the MCM, and not the UI features of SkyUI.


Enboost - Essentially an ENB without the graphics, with this installed users can use for RAM than the traditional cap of 3.2Gbs. It works by allocating system RAM and VRAM. This of course only helps those with more than 4Gbs of system RAM.


Skyrim Startup Memory Editor - Read the description, highly suggested for all users.


The Mod Organizer - Way better than NMM in my opinion; but with a more difficult learning curve. A beginners guide can be found here.


Utilities for Oblivion;

Oblivion Script Extender(OBSE) - Same as Skyrim Counterpart


Oblivion Stutter Remover - Does as it's name implies.


Streamline - Much like CASM, very good tool for saving and crash prevention.


Utilities for Morrowind;

Morrowind Script Extender(MWSE) - Same as Skyrim Counterpart


Morrowind Code Patch - You need it, hell it needed it before you ever did. Fixes a great many frequently and randomly occurring crashes.


Utilities for Fallout New Vegas;

FNV Script Extender(NVSE) - Same as Skyrim Counterpart.


CASM - Greatly improved saving system, less bugs more options.


Project Nevada - Overhaul of many gameplay Mechanics. Must have For FNV.


The Mod Configuration Menu - Pretty Straightforward here, allows you to configure compatible mods in game.


Fallout New Vegas Stutter Remover - Does what it's title implies.


NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash - Also does what it's title implies.


Utilities for Fallout 3;

Fallout 3 Script Extended(FOSE) - Same as Skyrim Counterpart


CASM - Same as FNV Counterpart.


Fallout 3 Stutter Remover - Same as it's FNV counterpart.



Q6: I have a request for a mod, or I have troubleshooting concerns for an individual mod. How should I proceed?

Well, there are forums for that! Let me get you the links!

Skyrim Toubleshooting Requests


Oblivion Toubleshooting Requests


Morrowind Toubleshooting


Fallout New Vegas Toubleshooting Requests


Fallout 3 Toubleshooting Requests


It also bears mentioning that you are more likely to get a response for an individual troubleshooting concern at the comments section of the corresponding mod. You may even find the solution by perusing the comments left by other helpful users.


Resources for mod authors:

Creation Kit Tutorials(Skyrim)


GECK Tutorials(Fallouts)


Construction Set Tutorials(Oblivion)


Construction Set Tutorials(Morrowind)


Graphic Modelling Tutorials by Millenia

Edited by GrandBulwark
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