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No voices while conversing


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I recently installed Oblivion on my other drive which has Windows 7. I installed some mods (none of which involve changing voices, even if they did I already checked in the construction set and everything looks normal to me) and started to play. Soon i noticed that while voices worked while walking around, they did NOT work while talking to a specific NPC. There's just no sound. Same when lockpicking and opening containers.


Any ideas? If this has been asked before and I just didnt see it, please point me in the direction of the other thread.

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fixed the voices with a voice fix mod. But now I have a new problem. This one is a graphics problem where everything seems to 'stretch' and its kinda stringy...not really sure how to explain it but it's happened before with WoW a couple years ago. I've turned off and deleted all 6 of my mods and its still a problem.

Since its happened before I can guess its a problem on my end but I just wanted to make sure.

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