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Vault 101 Opening


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Basically, about half the endings of 'Trouble on the Home Front' have the vault reorganising and opening to the outside world (eventually). This never happens ingame, and I'm slightly disappointed by that. I'd be cool to see a trade caravan or two and maybe a few visitors to megaton in vault jumpsuits, perhaps a few small structures outside... I can't do much in the GECK (added weapons, placed burning chimera wrecks on the battlefield in O:A) but I'd just like to get this out there, if you tied the objects and stuff to a script that checked completion of 'trouble on the homefont' and the main questline (give it time, especially the 2 weeks given by the broken steel 'interlude') would it be possible to just add a few vault residents and traders outside, perhaps a few patrolling vault guards with mid/low tier weapons and maybe a back-and-forth caravan to megaton? I could probably add a vault resident to Moriaty's (not hard, set their AI to sandbox and stick them in there) but I was wondering if anyone with a little more skill felt the same...


TL:DR Version:

-Truble on the homefont, 50/50 of ending with "vault will open to the world soon, now GTFO"

-Never does


-Not much GECK skill

-Vault 101 Trading outpost/village anyone? (After MQ completion).

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I was thinking of using that flat bit of ground outside the door, right on the road (which NPCs do travel down, only outcasts in vanilla but other 'wasteland traveller' mds add more passing NPCs, there's enough room for a smallish market and a few guard posts and it's very close to the vault 101 door (where the residents still live). There'd probably need to be some scripting that stops you entering the vault (they might be happy to let you trade but some wouldn't want you back in the vault), probably just set up a few guards who turn hostile when you enter the main door.


Outside I was thinking of maybe 4 or 5 vendors, some selling vault manufactured/repaired goods and others wasteland. The BOS migh be handig out Aqua pura but the vault's water purifier still works and those out in the wastes who don't get deliveries would probably buy clean water. There is also no teling what is in the closed-down areas of Vault 101, I'm willing to bet there are some limited production/repair facilities and stocks of useful items...

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Wish me luck on that one :P


Vault city, from what I have read, is pretty cool and kinda along the right lines, but the size of vault 101 is hinted at (old lady plmer saying how the vault is so empty nowadays) and they'd probably go on living there, after all, the rebnels wanted to stay in the vault but trade with the outside. The 'citizenship' idea from vault city would be cool, maybe you could even regain entry to the vault by passing a citizenship test...

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This mod should have been made ages ago, this would get in top 5 of the month pr even top 10 ever! on nexus ofcourse. I also support this idea because I am looking for the same exact mod lmoa, btw guys, this might help a little: Vault 101 Redux, vault b! I so badly want this mod turned into a town instead of a zombie mod cmon! :P lets do this ;D
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