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Custom Radio Mod Not Working


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So, some of you may have seen my recent post about a custom radio I am working on for my mod. Well, I just finished making it, went to test it ingame, and then discovered that it:

  • Plays all tracks twice.
  • Doesn't play music.

You may be thinking, "If it can't play music, then how do you know it's playing tracks twice?". Well, it plays the intros twice (basically any DJ voiced line), but doesn't play the songs. I have the .esp ready incase anyone would like to take a look at it. It's really confusing me, seeing that everything is set up as it should be. Anyone with any ideas, please let me know!






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Ok, I've went ahead and set up a new radio station, but I'm still getting exactly the same problem. I have no idea what's going on here. The audio files will play, but the songs won't, yet they all share the same encoding (.wav). This is really strange, and I have no idea why any of this is happening. I have even set it up in the same way the RNV works (minus the scripting).

Edited by EsvDefcon
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Thanks for the replies, I've actually found out what was wrong as far as the repeating goes. So, basically, I was using stereo .wavs when I really should have been using mono channel .wavs. I converted some this morning to test, and it appears that it's fixed. I'm going to finish converting the rest now. However, the songs still don't play, and I have no idea why.

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Ok, so instead of using the .wav versions of the songs, I switched over to .mp3 format. I enabled "2D", and "Dialogue Sound", and also set all of the songs to have a static attenuation of -12.33dB. Now, they are playing ingame, but only for a few seconds, and then they are moving on to the next song.

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Nope, nothing yet, unfortunately. I have no idea what is causing the issue, but the only thing left for me to do to have the entire radio station completed is to get the songs to play properly. Really annoying that I can't find anything. As for YouTube, there's nothing as specific as the error I'm getting, but I took a look at how to make a radio station. Turns out that everything is fine with mine, so (in theory) this error shouldn't be happening at all.

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