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New Music Not Working

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I added some new music in-game by placing them in the battle, dungeon, and explore music folders. They play fine when I start the game, but after I leave combat, the music won't play. :wallbash: Is there a maximum file size or number of files permitted in the .ini? Do have have to remove tags or other properties of mp3 files? :confused: I'm not sure how to get the music to play properly and any help would be appreciated.
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Music won't play after combat.... Did you create Finale for each battle songs that you added in, it is necessary. There's no maximum number of songs that you can place and play. I have over 25 explore, they all play but some tend to be more repetitive and are played more frequently than others. Make sure all the sound files are in sterio, 44100hz and 32-bit float format. If you do your own recordings for the battle songs, you might have accidentally recorded "blanks". For instance when you play your battle songs (3 minute song), but the song finishes at 2.22 minutes, the rest are just silent "blanks", the game would still play the blanks and you won't be hearing any songs, you can solve this by just using any sound editing software and just remove the bank parts. The songs still don't change even when in different areas? Try entering any city or town for example Megaton, then exiting it. See if the songs change/play.
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I probably didn't create a finale for each song and no, I don't mix my own music. I took original soundtracks from other games I love and pasted it in the battle folder. I entered Megaton and for some reason it was still playing battle music. :confused: It doesn't matter now since I just restored the old battle music, but thanks anyway. :biggrin:
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