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HELP! How to do a clean re install.


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So I suspect that going free cam, while riding in a moving carriage, caused my water to permanently disappear. No matter what I tried, be it water replacement mods, going back to vanilla water, whatever, just didn't work. The only patch of water was in the dev test room, and there everything else was just messed up to the max. So I decided I should do a clean re-install of skyrim. Wen't into steam, deleted all local game content, etc... After it was done downloading, I tried to start it, and it did, and the water was even back. But, now comes the weird part... A few of my mods were still active. So I went into the folder. And saw that ALL my mod files were still there. Even though the majority were inactive in the game. So after spending all night, morning, and the afternoon; manually deleting the mod files, and re-installing the mods, carefully reading each install instructions to make sure I didn't mess anything up. I try to open skyrim via skse, and the first sign of trouble appeared... Skse kept opening the launcher instead of going directly into the game. At least most of the time. The few times it would work, or if I pressed play in the launcher, The game immediately shuts down and closes the moment it finishes the bethesda logo intro.

Anyway, I don't know if this has been covered or not. Like I said, I didn't sleep, and I'm very tired, and didn't bother to look through the forums. So if someone can tell me how to do a truly clean install of skyrim, or link me to a topic where this is covered, so I can look at it when I wake up, that'll be greatly appreciated. I'm guessing that instead of going through steam, you just delete the actual skyrim folder? That's at least what I was gonna try before I realized I haven't slept in over 24hrs.

Thanks a lot! :smile:

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