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Templar set restoration


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The Templar/Knight-commander armor is one of the best in the game, but sadly it is an incomplete set since Bioware didn't include the Templar Gloves and Boots in the game, although they exist according to the wikia. Would it be possible to restore these missing pieces in the game as loot somewhere?
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There is a mod called Winter Forge that allows you to make the whole set, and more really. It takes some getting used to, but if you're looking for stuff already there just not implemented, then that mod will do it. As a plus it allows for enchanting of armor and weapons, changing colours and materials, setting them into item sets etc. All that and it still at it's core allows you to put the armor you want on when you want it, rather than wait around to get it later.
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I am not sure why that is, I made a whole set of templar armor in one of my alts and it worked fine for me. The item set can be added at the forge, but since the set for the templars was never put in the vanilla game, it may not even have a set bonus, not sure about that though. Still, you can use whatever set bonus you like, personally I am a fan of the Legion of Ehmat set bonus.
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