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assasin mods


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is there a mod that allows you to take specific hitman contracts from somone in the wasteland. i know the whole ear and finger trade thing but i was thinking more along the lines of the player being given a few items of relevance like a location description ect of a person then having to take them out in exchange for caps? any help would be mucho apreciated
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I have just started making this mod, one thing i need... a scripter, for things like the kill a person quests. any help would be apreciated greatly. not sure how long this will take, i would also like to make some custom weapons for this. learning to use blender and nif skope. any help with learning these would help me also. :thanks: :thumbsup:


@dissent, wont need voice over/sounds for a while but when i do ill ht you up! also once im done with my model for weaps i may ask you to do some texturing if you wouldn't mind. :thumbsup:




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anyone know where to get a good npc tutorial for adding quests and stuff to dialouge options?

thats where im stuck!



also scripting help would be great, ill start new topic to get some help, its not very effective piggybacking on this topic to get help when it just looks like a mod request. :blink:



when i start topic ill put link here, k :thumbsup:



here it is guys! :thumbsup:




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