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I didn't want to start a political debate, i just thought that there's some neat things that are steampunk that i would like to have in game :T


(i mean i had a 360 made for morrowind at one point for sh*ts and giggles, of course it wasn't exactly difficult)

And to be honest if the mod breaks lore or not, if you don't want it simply don't download it, or ignore it.



Simply put, is there anyone else that would WANT anymore steampunk things? (for fun, not lore, or otherwise)


And as a side note, If you know how a nuclear reactor works, the energy generated from them is actually from the steam that is from the water used to cool the rods. (if MY understanding of the cooling system is right that is.)

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But the term is also derived from the punk idea of "do it yourself". Cyberpunk was called that way because of how it started, in independent sci-fi printings. But also, because of the whole "hacker theme" and "against the system" that fits the "do it yourself" and the whole punk idea.


aha... thx, clears up somin :)

werent punks prison prostitutes though or general prostitutes too? (mmh i could prolly just google it lol... ah lazy me :P)

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