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Wearable Medical Brace?


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I've been searching for mods to make the game more challenging without being overly complicated and adding/changing game content. I've found mods to do just about everything I want except healing. Most of the current mods I've found (Real Injuries & Triage) add too much complication to the healing of crippled limbs.


My first idea is to change the stimpaks to no longer magically heal limbs, but to temporarily disable the crippled effect for 1 game hour when applied directly to a crippled body part. You will have to keep applying stimpaks to your crippled body parts until you find a doctor to fix it up or fix it yourself with my second idea.


My second idea is to make the medical brace in the game a wearable item (not worn visibly, but found in the apparel section). The brace will have its own health just like other wearable items. When you equip the brace, it will prompt you which body part to apply it to. For example, your right leg has become crippled. You equip a medical brace and select your right leg. As you wear the brace, its condition will go down as it heals your limb at a rate based on your medical skill (i.e. 1 HP per game hour at 100 medical skill) until the brace's condition reaches zero. So if you have a medical skill of 100 and a brace at 50% condition, it can heal your crippled limb to 50% health. While wearing the brace, you should suffer certain penalties. If the brace is on your legs, you will move slower and have an AGI penalty. If it's on your arm, then you'll be less effective with weapons. If it's on your head, maybe an INT and CHR penalty. I'm not sure what penalty would be applied for placing the brace on the torso. Naturally, if you are in combat while wearing the brace, it will take damage like any other piece of worn clothing.


I have no experience modding FO3, but I loaded up the G.E.C.K. and poked around a bit. I already figured out how to remove the stimpak's magical limb healing properties. I've scanned over the G.E.C.K. wiki and some scripting tutorials, if I can find the time, it doesn't look like it would take too long for me to learn, but if someone else wants to take this on, please do.

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Good idea, not sure if it's within my skill range yet, doubt it. Comment - Torso - Reduced strength/endurance/agility



It would be interesting to see this put in. Good thoughts!


If I ever figure out nav-mesh and dialogue, I'll take a poke at this too. God I hate nav-mesh...

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it sounds like the Triage mod is exactly what you want.




it makes it so stimpaks dont heal crippled limbs. you need a medical brace to heal a crippled limb, and surgical supplies (surgical tubing, which the mod renames) to heal a crippled head/chest. stimpaks still heal damage, but not crippled body parts. neither does sleeping, the only way to heal crippled limbs other than with the appropriate supplies is by visiting a doctor.



this mod is a nice addition to the Amplified Cripple Effects mod, which does exactly what the name suggests, for both you and NPCs.

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