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about weapon sounds


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i'm wondering how to add a sound for specific weapons i downloaded, for instance, now i got a M1911 mod, the modder hasn't made a sound mod for it, i tried to put my own sound file named wpn_M1911_fire_2d.wav or M1911.wav in ''sound''\''brurpo'' folder, both not working though. i don't know why the modder named the folder''brurpo'' i think it's supposed to be ''M1911''! anyone know the way to make this work? :confused:
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Im not sure about .wav:s, but atleast the music's have to be at certain quality and bitrate to work. Also they can not be protected. I'm not very familiar with soundformats myself, other than music files.


For the "Select TesSound", you need to have an effect file in the data\sound\fx\ or it's subfolders. After that you need to create a new sound in GECK in the Miscellaneous-Sound. If you don't have a (compatible) soundfile yourself, you can extract soundfiles with FOMM from Fallout - Sound.bsa file if you setup it to handle the .bsa files. That way you save yourself some work "importing" a completely new sound.


I hope that makes any sense :D

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thx, i just saw the tutorials of the important topics, i followed the steps of Adding Custom Sounds, this link http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=137611

but in the game the weapon sound still doesn't change, did i miss anything? here's the M1911 mod link http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=785

it really doesn't make sense,im sure i didn't miss anything i assume it's a bug

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I checked the mod, and the weapon does have sounds assigned to it. It uses 10mm Pistol sound, which is "inbuilt" in Fallout, more accurately in the Fallout - Sound.bsa file I mentioned earlier.


I can't help with adding custom sounds, as I have only used the ones that came with Fallout myself on the two weapons I have "made".

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