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Ninja Gaiden


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Ive suddenly realised that someone should create Ninja Gaiden armor


http://beckps3.files.wordpress.com/2010/01...en-rachel01.jpg <<<<<< this is rachel's armor


http://www.ps3informer.com/playstation-3/i...iden%20(18).jpg <<<<<<<< this is ryu's armor


these are really good looking armors, 1 for the men, 1 for the women lol


Thanks for reading and i hope someone creates this armor :)

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I'm not sure on the "superb" thing but thank you :P

Belive me i would do it right now (esspecialy the lady's armor ---thsoe bring many downloads and endorments :P) but i need to finish my Black Knight first xD

I've gotta stop working on other things now and get serious again with it.

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