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Purple textures around eyes


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I just loaded FOOK2 and project beauty HD. both are running fine except some of the characters have purple around their eyes. What is causing this and how do i fix it. Also how do i make op. anchrage, Pitt, and broken steel appear in FOMM. I'm running foip but have only turned on the 2 mods mentioned above. Thanx
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For the DLC you need to remove them from the GFWL folder and move them to your fallout 3/data directory.


I don't know about your purple texture issue. I run both and have no issues. I will say that purple texture often times means missing texture, so check and make sure you copied everything over for PB and also toggled archive invalidation.

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I had exactly the same issue, only Maggy from Megaton had the purple rings around the eye. I solved it by reinstalling the whole mod. DO NOT drag and drop the whole data folder into the Fallout 3 directory, you need to copy part by part so that it transfers and read all the files. Also after reinstalling, you must toggle archive invalidation.
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