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Town Expentions


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Hello every one 8) , I'm interrested in mods that expand towns :) . I currently got some for Megaton,Big town, Arefu,Rivetcity, and a little on for canterbury Commens. On fallout.nexus I can't find any mods that really expand the following towns: Grayditch, Republic of Dave, Glithershade, Oasis, and the one for cantebury commons is just a fence and 1 house. So my question is, is any one working on a mod to expand these towns. Or would any one like to make one, I also might be able to help, atleast with ideas and worldbuilding.


The most importent things :huh: of the expention:


- Use more houses, create or use boarded ones.

- More NPC's and or barters, with real jobs and activities.

- Proper Defence like a giant fence arround Cantervury Commens, and guards, lasers, ect

to defend against outside creatures -> towns get whiped away at higher levels.


- unique feeling and atmospfere, making each town and surrounding filled and fun.

- Quests and items are not really relavent, but are a handy extra.

- New dialuage and chatter, and limited voice acting like (" What brings you to 'townname'?) or if player steals: "next time I see you, you better be dead", actions give a reaction in dialuage. If the NPC's like you (good karma) you get a better responds then if your an evil raider, they wil just want to kill you or fear you.


I would also like to see a opened vault that is a town, people can walk in the town and barter in the marketplace, the vault should be huge with it's own means of producing water, food, and electricity (What I mean is, the layout like this mod: Vault 101 Redux -Vault B . Having vault guards and patrols, its similair to fallout 1 I believe.



Overal my idea is to make a town live and breath, as it should have been. This could be done step by step town by town, even 1 town would be satisfying :thanks:

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I always felt bad for Big Town. I thought, what if I were able to pay and pursuade npc's to go to Big town and clean it up. Fix up some Defenses. Get a vender to go in there. Make it a better place. But the issue I thought of was that the current residents would still complain and act as if Big town was not so hot a place to be. So in reality, I have no clue how to present my idea. I am a terrible modder. But I agree, being able to improve the towns would be awsome. Some mods already do. Would be nice to see some more ideas come together though. You know, get some of oyu guys who have made town mods already, work together to make even better ones.


I have mods for Megaton. I will have to try mods for the others!



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