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Geck Crash! Debugging tools??


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I have a mod I've been working on for a while. Now, when I try loading it in the Geck, I get a CTD. Are there any external debugging tools to find out what is causing the crash?


One of the last things that happened when I was editing the esp, I accidentally deleted the workbench furniture references from the masterfile. I exited right away without saving, but the only thing I can think now is that I must have pressed the save button (if this would cause a CTD upon reopening the esp). If this is the problem, will the FOMM editor show deleted references that I can undelete?


Any ideas?




Oh and to clarify, this geck crash happens on the load up and only for this mod (so something is broken). All the files in esp load (on the bottom file run through) and then the geck gives it's regular warnings (for things like uncompliled scripts, ect), and the crash happens after clicking the "yes to all".

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