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Geck Crash! Debugging tools??


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I have a mod I've been working on for a while. Now, when I try loading it in the Geck, I get a CTD. Are there any external debugging tools to find out what is causing the crash?


One of the last things that happened when I was editing the esp, I accidentally deleted the workbench furniture references from the masterfile. I exited right away without saving, but the only thing I can think now is that I must have pressed the save button (if this would cause a CTD upon reopening the esp). If this is the problem, will the FOMM editor show deleted references that I can undelete?


Any ideas?




Oh and to clarify, this geck crash happens on the load up and only for this mod (so something is broken). All the files in esp load (on the bottom file run through) and then the geck gives it's regular warnings (for things like uncompliled scripts, ect), and the crash happens after clicking the "yes to all".

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The warnings do have a purpose, and one of the warnings is probably a warning of a reference that is missing it's original item. You can try loading the mod in FOMM and use TesSnip to delete the reference to the workbench in it.


You shouldn't be able to delete files or references from the Masters themselves, only replace them with a "null" reference in the Plugin file, which in effect just disables them.


It is a very good idea to keep backups of your mod files, just to fall back if you mess something up. :)

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The best tool I have found for editing a mod without loading it in the GECK is FO3Edit.

You can download from Fallout3 Nexus and also Miax's FO3Edit manual.







FO3Edit Manual


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Thanks. I'll see what I can do with FO3Edit over the weekend.


From what I can see in TSNIP, I didn't save any 'workbench' changes after all. And while I do keep backups, I've lost about 20 hours of work. It's frustrating to understand, because there should be no way you can save any sort of change within the geck that would outright corrupt a mod.

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I completely forgot about FO3Edit, as I use it only to see if I'm getting unintentional conflicts with my mods. It is indeed the best tool for finding changes made by a mod as it tells what everything is in plain text :) I use TesSnip myself as it's a lot quicker, and I already know what everything is anyway, even when TesSnip doesn't :) My mods are small in size though, biggest being 40k.
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