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The Lost Province of Beggarshire


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My friend Zazz-O-Matic and I have recently come up with the idea for a new mod.

In it, there will be a new set of islands gracing the waters of a new worldspace, upon wich is perched a most peculiar settlement. The Island was once a bustling Imperial port-town, ages ago, but now, strewn over the ruins, is the slum of slums, the Lost Province of Beggarshire. for more details, either click on the large banner above, or the medium-sized letters in my signature below. Please leave feedback on ideas you wish incorporated in this mod, as well as what you think of it. I hope you enjoy my project! :thumbsup:

UPDATE: I have uploaded a file containing a text document describing the back-story, and giving a few hints as to the main quest(s).

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Sounds like a "nice" place to visit. All your ideas sound great and that place could becomse a better Bravil for all the thiefs out there. I am eager to see more screenshots as you guys advance more with it's making. I hope you'll make it so that what happends there, stays there, this meaning that the changes won't affect other regions of the game, becouse that might conflict with other mods. Anyway, I wish you guys the best!






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  • 3 months later...

Sorry, Pushkatu, Shammy and I decided to not upload periodic update pics to prevent accidental spoilers. We might post pics once the secret stuff is out of the way, though. :P

Aaaaanyway, I can finally resume work on the mod, my mom gave me back my computer!!!! Wo0T!!!! (It was taken away because I was failing three classes. All better, though!)

So, update time: I changed the theme to normal ruins instead of aylied, finished the dock area and the main entrance/guard barracks. I also added interiors to the fish-shop, lighthouse, boats (There are two), and guard barracks, and added terrain textures and basic shipyard clutter. And updated people about the mod. And told people that I updated them. And told people that I told them that I updated them. And so on, and so forth.

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some quick questions that you should have answers to, little more back-story'ish..

What is the reason for this imperial city in the middle of the ocean (if Im right)?


Were the isles rich of supplies?

Was it a place where sea-men ( ha - ha ) could rest? and if so, why would the imperial "government" support pirates and the scum like them?


Also, the name beggarshire wouldnt exactly be the greatest, what the heck would a begger do in a poor slum quarter, even a slumquarter on a deserted island in the ocean? - he couldnt possibly earn anything from begging the poor.


a thing I didnt quite understand is: Do you team up with theese retired robbers and thieves? Or do you go there and slay every person you see?



apart from that, I like the idea - and good luck with the mod, but remember that backstory is really important, I mean its kinda random for an imperial town to be in the middle of the ocean, so you better have some reason ;)

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I feel inspired-


The Lost Province Of Beggarshire once was called the city of Tiberus.


Long time ago, Commander Tiber Septim sent Imperial Royal Navy and the most elite units to an unknown island who held many treasures.He wanted to recover the land after the ruthless reign and terror of Akaviri horde, but he lacked on money to rebuild and to invest in economy and other state structures. This island was known as once a small state of the Golden Emperor Kahwaal Urus-Zedurion 'The Greedy' , the last emperor of the long dead race of golden golems. As they were driven out from their home land which location is unknown to historians and geohraphy and probably very far from Tamriel Continent, the set up a huge fortress as an operation headquartersin order to perform ambushes of the big galeons and fleets which were passing by. Emperor Greedy was greedy, and one of the most important reasons he ordered such actions is that he and his people were depending on precious materials. They ate gems and other precious metals in order to live an eternal life, also they knew how to reproduce their captured resources by alchemical experiments. Whole fleets of merchants ships and other valuable boats were lost in those waters, and no one knew what really happened to those poor people. There were no survivors of it to tell the story.


The legend says that Kahwaal became so greedy that he kept all the treasure for himself , in fear of his possible death , he stopped to share it with his people. He retreat to his chambers and locked himself up for good, while his people of golems, who were emotionless, died like statues all over the island.


Firts ships which entered that area were of the imperial navy and they found quite a sight- a pile of humanoid golden statues were stadning like dolls, not moving anymore and a tremendous golden fortress, decorated with silver, gems and pearls. The miners and diggers were transfered immediately to the island from all the provinces and every golem body and the whole fortress was broken down in pieces in order to make coins, to put new investements and to start with trading again. People became so greedy that a ouple of civil wars broke out in later years, nobility was separated in clans and started to kill each other for the treasure, without any humanity left inside them. The Island and the city itself became an abomination fo society, mercenaries and pirates were all over the place, theives and assasins, prostitute budoars and casinos were growing like mushrooms after the rain, the Legion couldn't handle the situation anymore as they were losing man. No additional support of the troops was possible anymore, as it was very far from the shore and lack of fund resources showed it's results after Tiber Septim's death.


Though, no one knew where this Emperor of the Golden Race died. His official chambers were not in the caslte itself. One of the old imperial generals, Commander Sikes, a trustworthy soldier of Septim family, found a strange writings on the wall in the castle, before it was ruined down. He didn't want to unreveal this secret to anyone, as he wanted it to have as an alternative for the dark times of the future. He called upon an arcane grand battlemage from Summerset Isles, Grandmaster Ardi, the man who was known as the only multilingual teacher at those days, and was quite a historian, he knew bits and pieces about this strange race.


He translated the text into many scrolls and locked it up in secret locations all over the island, just before the rebellion of the High Rock Pirates and their commander Pierre 'The Bad Son' Ardane. The legend tells that only Sikes , Pierre and Ardi survived the first wave at the fortress, and that each one chased the other, finaly going down in some sort of a tunnel. But no one knows where the tunnel is, even lesser to where it leads.


Since then, the city at the island became home for the forgotten and unlucky, beggars, con artists, mercenaries, loan sharks, feudal lords, blood clan raiders, sick ones, ex prisoners, prostitutes, killers , assassins, political refugees and so on.


It earned the name of beggarshire.


The greed is stil present , even more then in the ancient times. Fights with bare knuckles everywhere, drunkards, mud and blood, sad view of once glorious island.

Everyone is scrapping the golden dust from the floors, nothing human left there, only the ruthless survival among the gold diggers of various social classes.


The legend still lives among the people. There are rumors that someone knows the secret there at the city of Beggarshire.


High Chancellor Ocato is sending his best agent on the sight. YOU. The history repeats itself, the Empire doesn't have much in the Palace treasury, as Kvatch needed to be taken care of, many repairs at the Imperial City, refugees and so on.The legendary treasure of Kahwaal maybe still exists, it is a risky hope but it can pay off for the entire nation.Some people are saying that old Ardi had only one scroll with him , and the rest was taken by the new established criminal members of the self proclaimed state ministry. Each scroll had parts of the text which suppose to be a whole key together to open some secret doors. The first scroll at Ardi's hands holds an information of how the whole text should be placed and in which order. Ardi was running from Pierre and Sikes took the sword and went to chase Pierre in order to defend Ardi.


Descendants of those criminals are at the island, they are all some major names there, lords, mercenary commanders etc. There are quite a few rumors that all of them are keeping the scrolls as legacy from their ancestors, and each one of them wants all the scrolls for himself. The cold wars are present , fighting over scrolls and informations when the night falls.


The secret Guild Of Peasants is established there too, as they want to overthrow those tyrants and to make better future for the island. The Legion can't help them.


It is all up to you. Will you find the the great chambers of Golden Emperor Kahwaal? Will you find out about the faith of the 3 men who ran into their doom in the legendary tunnel?Will you help the rebels to bring down the tyrany?


What is really the secret of the Beggarshire? What mystery is haunting it's dark streets?


This was just a story, and some ideas I threw in. Use it if you like it, freeware.


Fight well :thumbsup:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel inspired-


(Insert story here)


Fight well :thumbsup:



A nice effort, but you were straying quite a bit from the intended back-story, which I had actually just finished before reading your comment. Thanks for being so interested, though! :biggrin:

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