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Need help on a script


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im trying to make a auto healing weapon but i cant get it to work can anyone tell what im doing wrong thanks mucho


scn timerTestScript

float fEndTime

Begin OnEquip

; Initialisation
set fEndTime to getSecondsPassed - 1; 1 seconds from now


if getSecondsPassed > fEndTime; The timer has finished
	If player.GetWeaponHealthPerc < 99; do stuff
		player.ModWeaponHealthPerc 5
		set fEndtime to 1


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Here's some solutions, although I haven't tested them myself ingame.


If you really want to use a timer, just for the sake of using one:

scn timerTestScript

float fEndTime

Begin GameMode;Begin OnEquip runs ONLY once thru the script, unless you use Label and Goto from FOSE. GameMode runs untill you unequip it.

set fEndTime to 1
if fEndTime > 0
	set fEndTime to fEndTime - GetSecondsPassed
elseif player.GetWeaponHealthPerc < 99
	player.ModWeaponHealthPerc 1;No need for higher percent as it will be at 100 after a few seconds wait anyway.
	set fEndtime to 1


This is how I would do it personally:

scn timerTestScript

Begin GameMode;This is somewhat simpler way to do it, and does it realtime.

if player.GetWeaponHealthPerc < 99
	player.ModWeaponHealthPerc 1


If you want to make an "indestructible" weapon, you can also just edit the weapon's health to 50000 or something.


I hope that helps :)

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This script only runs once, when you first equip the weapon. There is no loop to it, if you know what I mean. It has to begin on gamemode in order to recheck itself continuously, because gamemode is a condition that occurs constantly, whereas onequip is just a condition that occurs for a moment. Does that make sense?


Here's an example of a timer I used:



scn myscriptname


short task

float MITtimer


Begin onactivate player

If task == 0

playmagiceffectvisuals glowingonegloweffect

Set Task to 1

Set M1Timer to 3




Begin GameMode

If (Task)

If M1Timer > 0

Set M1Timer to M1Timer - GetSecondsPassed


stopmagiceffectvisuals glowingonegloweffect

myDoorRef.activate player

Set task to 0






I'm not an expert scripter myself. Someone helped me as well. Hope this helps.



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Try this:



scn timerTestScript


float fEndTime


Begin OnEquip


; Initialisation

set fEndTime to getSecondsPassed - 1; 1 seconds from now




Begin GameMode


if getSecondsPassed > fEndTime; The timer has finished

If player.GetWeaponHealthPerc < 99; do stuff

player.ModWeaponHealthPerc 5

set fEndtime to 1





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Sorry, like rjhelms84 corrected, you need the OnEquip section, as the script itself doesn't check what the item it is. My example will (as noted) end up healing all weapons in your inventory. That is the reason I use FOSE myself, as with it the control on everything is way easier to maintain.
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