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How to make a working menu on hit?


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I'm trying to make a weapon that will open a menu as hit the target.


Making a simple effect script with the command line it work.

But if I add the same line to a button of a menu script, it don't work. :wallbash:

So what I need to change in the menu script?


Also, there is a way to store RefID and/or BaseID on a variable so I can use it on command lines that require it?


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks pkleiss, I manage to make some functions that require RefID to work in a menu. Strangely, I thought I had tried to use the Getself before, well, guess that I mistake by another Get... something.

Hey, the Getself only get RefID right? There isn't one to BaseID?


Well, my issue now is to make my weapon harmless, I'm trying a bunch of lines but I don't know if all of them are required or if there is more. I just want to not harm the NPC, and not make a friendly and his faction became hostile.

I used:


ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag PlayerFaction

IgnoreCrime 1

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To get the Base ID, you'd have to use the FOSE command: GetBaseObject.


StopCombat - will stop combat, but won't gurentee that the combatant won't decide to start attacking again.

ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag - use this on factions that aren't the player's faction to keep those factions from becoming hostile based on crime

IgnoreCrime 1 - I use this to keep my custom follwers from attacking the player under crime situations. Its a good one.

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Yeah... but I'm trying to make my mod without need of FOSE. But is OK, I was only thinking into make a turn Essential on hit option. I can make it work another way.


I just need to use that 3 lines? They are enough to make all original friendly NPC stop to be hostile without need of 3 days? There aren't any other good command? I was trying others like "SCAOnActor" and "SetDisposition Player 10". I just don't want to use excessive codes, when just a few can get the job done. Or change things that don't need to change, like reseting all crimes that the player could be done before.

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