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Just put it in the data folder..?


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I got me some mods to alter Dogmeat's constant panting. The files are supposed to be put it the data folder. But what tells the game to actually use anyting I add there when there isn't anything there to replace? It certainly doesn't make any change in the game. What am I missing?
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I got me some mods to alter Dogmeat's constant panting. The files are supposed to be put it the data folder. But what tells the game to actually use anyting I add there when there isn't anything there to replace? It certainly doesn't make any change in the game. What am I missing?


In fallout mod manager use toggle invalidation button... That should fix it (if the files are in the correct folder)


LINK - Fallout mod manager

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All mods require this?

The mod didn't have any .esp file btw.


Had any textures? (dds.files) Archive invalidation is needed for custom made textures. Without it game will

read from fallout.bsa files instead of textures folder

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Clicked "yes to all" for overwriting pop-up? Check your data/textures/Creatures/MaxDog ... Do you have 5 dds files inside(dog.dds , dog_n.dds , dogdad.dds , dogvicious.dds and dogvicious_n.dds)?
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