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Bos DC Patrols Remade


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Ok, so I've been wanting to get this mod for a while, but apparently dragontwosix has either gone on hiatus, or died. I hope not, but for the sake of wanting to keep the idea of having these patrols out alive, I'd like to recreate the mod myself. However, I dont have much experience with GECK, so its going to be a little bit of a learning process. But I figure it's about as simple as creating some actors and having them walk around on a patrol loop throughout the DC area. So if anyone has any insight in the creation of this, please by all means, let me know. Wish me luck!
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I've been waiting for that mod for a long time now and it's still hidden from public's view. I can't really help you out there since I have no experience with scripting but I will wish you good luck. Currently DC area is just too packed up by mutants, need patrols.


I have a suggestion, maybe you could add some DC survivors/rebels (not sure if it's lore friendly) that wear common ragged clothes with pistols/rifles that's working with the BOS to get back the area/to survive in DC. They'll be a weak bunch but that's where the fun comes from, it'll be much of a warzone at the DC area now with more variety.

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Well, for now I'm going to focus on the standard Knight/Paladin groups, but I could probably easily implement a "survivor" group scavenging the ruins for food/chems/weapons/ammo/etc. to create the "were so desperate were willing to risk contact with mutants to get the supplies we need' effect. As I learn how to create and implement NPC travleing groups, I'll probably create separate .esp's for each group that are on patrols. So maybe this'll become a series of mods. But for now, I just want to focus on the BoS, and learn the ins and outs of the GECK. But feel free to keep the suggestions comming.
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I think another way to simulate random respawning BoS patrols in DC would be to use the MTC Wasteland Travelers script. An invisible object (spawn point) is placed on the ground with a spawn script attached to it. However, the groups it spawns now wander around randomly in a certain radius, not on predefined waypoints. Also, instead of squads with a leader, this would create random non-grouped BoS units who wander around the area.
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@Lt Albrecht

Well for those of us not fortunate enough to have it on our HDD's, the nexus is no longer allowing downloads. I'm not going to bother link to it, but search for it, and you'll see what I mean. I've always had the mindset of if I want something, do it myself.



You know, that sounds useful. It's not quite what I had in mind for my BoS patrols, but I could take a look at it once I get all the GECK know how down, and figure it out. Who knows, maybe I'll be inspired to use it in some way not thought of yet. But regardless, good suggestion.

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You know what, that'd be great. I have a few ideas of my own on how i would do this, and having the original mod would certainly help me figure out how he did it, then go from there. Obviously we don't want to step on anybodies toes when it comes to sharing it, but I see no reason why it would be a problem, considering it's a free download, even if he has removed it.


As for right now, I'm trying to get a good layout of the land, so I've been exploring as much of the DC ruins as I can and I'm going to draw up a basic map so I can get an idea of what goes where, then draw out a group of "patrol paths". I'm thinking of having 1 or 2 groups start from each of the BoS points. So that means from GNR, The Washington Monument, and The Citadel. I might have one just go on a big loop, while the other goes from one to the next and back again perhaps. So I guess Im in the planning/layout stage of figuring out this mod, for those of you who are curious.


And that brings up another point. I'll probably use this forum for the time being to keep people who are curious updated as to where I'm at in the mod.

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