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Mods not appearing

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I recently got a new computer, and after installing oblivion, stayed up all night dowloading mods :wallbash: . I was so happy to get a new computer because my old one would play oblivion, just not run the mods. I get all the mods installed correctly play the game, and the same problem. Its as if I hadent installed the mods at all. It let me check them off at the "Data Files" and searching for days now, nobody has had my problem before as far as I can tell.
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Actually your problem was once very common, when Vista was new. It seems that vista, and Win7 are overly protective of anything placed in the program files folders. Which is where Oblivion is installed by default. For some reason, just being the administrator is not really running as administrator unless you approve each program and each change to that program through the UAC.


For Vista and Win7 related problems such as UAC, Check here:


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Don't be so fast to rule out Bben's suggestions. Whilst I still use XP (Vista murdered the HDD I put it on, and cost me a lot of faith in Microshaft so I've not worked up the gumption to install Win7 yet even though I have had a copy of the 64bit version since it was released- luckily for MS I religiously back up as well as save everything - I was in the middle of my dissertation and would have personally firebombed ol' Bilbo's a$$ had I lost that) I know just from these boards that Bben's articles on using mods with Vista and 7 have helped a lotta folks.

However... if you had the same problem with XP, then my presumption would have to be the issue is on your end... no offence. I'm gonna ignore the Vista/win7 issues for the rest of this post as I can't tell you anything Bben's article won't have.

If you have the ESP's/ESM's in your data files you have at least copied those into the right location, however, just because they are there don't automatically mean they will work.

1 - Did the mods need OBSE? Some mods will check for that before they initialise and if its not there they won't bother.

2 - Did you read the read me to ensure you have all the other requirements for the mods you've installed? Don't scream at me. I'm not accusing you of being dumb or anything. But these are the simplest ways to make damn sure mods simply do not appear in your game.

3 - Have you got the latest version of Oblivion? Most modders use Oblivion 1.2.0416 or w/e, and without that version, some of the mods will not run, and others will be glitched to hell.

Giving us a list of a couple of the mods you've installed might help us figure what the problems could be.


Free suggestion - Get OBMM. Seriously. It'll help. Don't OMOD install everything though. Make sure you get used to installing/uninstalling a couple of smaller mods manually first, so you know whats going on with the install process (ahem, once it works... ) - this'll save you a shed load of time should you need to trouble shoot anything later. If you're more confident get Wrye Bash instead (or even both) but I'd advise most to try that later, as Bash's advanced functions can be a lil bit dauntiing at first.



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I knida thought I was doing something wrong. But, I think at least some of my mods dont need OBMM, and I dont like to download new programs so I looked for ones that spacificly didnt use OBMM or OBSE Heres the list (im downloading OBMM anyway now)






DBContinuedBeta 0.7

Enhanced Key Functionality

Flying Death

KOW - King Of Worms Alpha 1.1

Oblivion Collectible Cards


RedBag - Friendly Animals

Side's Sailing Ships


I think thats all of them, and yes, I did read the readme for every one that did have a readme (some of them were just the .esp file) No, I dont have the latest version (I was thinking I needed an updated version) I have the default "Right when installed" and do you need shivering isles for the latest patch? I have the disk somewere but havent bothered to clean my room for it (got lost crwaling under my bed)

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First, are you running as an administrator?

Where have you installed Oblivion (I hope not the default location)


Be sure you have the latest patch. If in doubt, the version shows in the lower left corner of the loading screen. The one with the big OBLIVION and the start a new game, continue etc on it.


If not:

Bben's Patch Advice



Once you are patched, revert to vanilla - NO mods installed

Here is my revert to vanilla article - how to go back to the original state without reinstalling.



Make sure the vanilla game works - start it and make at least one save. Preferably in the Imperial City Market District. Use that save later for testing. You may want to save this configuration as it is handy for troubleshooting problems - make a new folder - outside of the oblivion folder, name it something like vanilla Oblivion. Copy - do not move the data folder, and the saved games folder into it. This is your emergency backup so you don't have to reinstall.


Now,I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you.


The sample mod included does not need anything else to work, no OBSE, no OBMM, no other mods or anything. It will also work with OBMM, OBSE or just about anything also - it was made for troubleshooting only and has no real use in the game - unless you need a plain stock dagger with no special power or appearance. You don't even have to pick it up. just look to see if it is there or not. If it is there the mod installed properly - if it is not there, it did not install properly.

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You don't need SI to have the latest version, or to play mods. However, it would save effort later (again) to install that before you mod or update your game if you intend to play it at some point, as you may end up needing to uninstall before you can install Shivering Isles. The newest version of the patch (with or without SI - don't use both, and make sure you get the language version that matches your disk) is available on the Elder Scrolls official site. I believe its also mirrored somewhere on the Nexus file servers.


***Edit*** Damn my slow fingers. What Bben said. :D


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