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New all in one?


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I have been wondering for a bit since I saw how well Altorian put together the works of NewByPower adriangi Rebel o Conner Horrid and mutantspicy, if anyone who actually understands these mods would be willing to try one for all the various colouring and head morphs. I know it would take a bit of cajoling to the original authors, but the ones I use, Bidelle's, CC Extra Tints and Tones, More Hairstyles, Chargen Package and Pineappletree's Vibrant colours are awesome. Seperately for someone new to this whole modding scene, they can be somewhat of a pain when not downright confusing as to how to make work together.


Just a thought, but another all in one package would make my day, when it comes to having the option to make my characters look good. Feel free if you're the author of one of the aforementioned packages to flame my idea if you really don't like it.


Last Part, honest. Great work by the modders here, individually you are all working better with the tools that were given than the parent company that gave them to you, you have my wholehearted congratulations on a job well done.

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