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Free Audio For Your Mods!


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Hey Modders,


I'm eggsovereasy and I'm an audio engineer who would be more than willing to record, compose, engineer, or otherwise make dialogue, sound effects, or music for your mods. I'm willing to do this for free as long as I get credit for my work. I have a Pro Tools and Logic Pro rig, Microphones, keyboards, interfaces, etc and can supply the audio in almost any format (even surround sound). If your interested PM me or reply to this post.




BTW: I have started a similar thread in the Oblivion Mod Requests Section and have a few sounds posted over there already.

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Could you please post some samples of your work (video maybe) ? You need to let others know what sort of sounds you can produce or music that you can compose before having people's interest to request anything.



Aside from the few sounds I have posted over at the Oblivion thread I don't have any samples. This is my foray into this area of audio engineering.



My feeling is that its free so there's no harm in asking for something. I'm willing and able to help and I have the tools to do good work. I'm just offering my services because I think the community would benefit. I get experience and modders get free custom sounds. Hopefully enough people will like my work that I'll soon be able to provide samples but at the moment I don't have many.

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I also compose music, and have always wanted to voice act but lack the equipment. Sadly I live in an apartment and that's not really an option. I used to have my music on a website (stage.fm) but for some reason that I could never figure out why, it tanked in '08 or early '09. I'm in the process of finding a place to upload my music but I'm at a loss as I don't know any decent sites that don't require you to pay. I never did like rapidshare. Any ideas?
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I think youtube is suitable. Don't need a real video, just a black background with the title and music playing would be more than enough. And if you want to share your own music composition with fellow Nexus members, just upload the file onto Nexus.
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I would love to hear one of your song compositions if you wouldn't mind. Copyrighted soundtracks aren't allowed on the site, since Fallout 3 lacks soundtrack mods, it would be great if you could make some.



I'll work something up for you, could take a few days though.

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there are a few people who have made Followers that are in need of some voice work.

Here is my favorite, yet completely silent follower: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2046


As for more songs.. I would love to hear more. too bad we cannot give Three Dog some new songs. the ones that are played are getting old.. or have gotten old.. Fast!


I would also like to hear some stuff. If I could I would love to voice act myself for Fallout 3.



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Ok I dug around a backup cd from a while back and found something to submit. It's not really my best work but its the only one I have that somewhat fits.




Sometime next week I should have everything settled and be able to install my software since I just recently replaced my pc. Hope you enjoy

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I have 9 years of musical background, so I know my way around the keyboard and piano but never really bothered to compose anything and I do not own a suitable software like Cubase AI. I will give you feedback once you finish uploading it.
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