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I'm an idiot lol completely forgot to upload the file. Fixed now. It's nowhere near my best work. I grew up around a piano basically taught myself to play by ear. I've been composing music for...wow never thought about it before... a very long time but have only been writing them using software for I think 8 years. Suffice to say its been one long progression from really crappy music to not quite so crappy music to "Hey, I have a good track now and then" But then again I'm my own worst critic :confused:
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No it's not free. I was using Reason 1.0 for a while, then upgraded to 3.0. Wasn't cheap. I was given Sonar 6 as a gift a while back from an aunt that has always supported my music. I don't know why, we lost touch a long time ago. But, not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Suffice to say its a whole different experience switching programs like that. Going to take me a while to get used to it.
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Nothing off the top of my head, adrian. But let me look around tomarow and check I think I have something that's free. The midi keyboard I use is an M-Audio Radium 49, not quite fullsized but not a tiny one octave thing I've seen before. Normaly I only use it in the tinkering stage to pluck out the melodies, and then I do everything literaly note by note in Reason. I'm very VERY mad right now. I found out that my deminsion pro dvds were broken in the move... I really don't have the money to replace them right now.


I knew texas was going to have one last laugh at my expense... ugh


And thank you for the praise. Like I said, wasn't my best piece and is several years old but the only thing that's complete that I have that somewhat fits the fallout theme. I'll be working on a few songs this comming week, I've already have some banging around in my head.

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