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WIP Mod/Custom Expansion


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Hello! I am Osvir on the forums ^^


As stated in the Mod Requests sections I made a topic about "Baldurs Gate Remake" (read more about that in this thread right here).. Although a response I got told me "there is copyright issues" so I abandoned it, only to begin anew with another project. What I am aiming for is a mini-expansion, with a new area (map) to explore with a few quests and similar. New PC characters and such. Perhaps I might even add more content to it, -if- it becomes popular or even -finished-.


Nonetheless I have barely scratched upon the surface of the Mod. I am currently working with the "concept" of the map-it is not nearly finished. You can check it out here. I still need to do some vegetation, structures, details, mountains, higher grounds etc. etc. a lot of refinement.. I call it Khalgarim Bay. I will explain some of the story of the area a little further down.


So why do I post this here if it isn't nearly finished?


I am like Duncan looking for recruits =P if anyone is interested (-Anyone-) in a Joining (=P) with this ritual... err... project. Please do respond. Or if you're slightly interested and want to hang back a while until the project has truly begun to spin (which it, at this stage, has not).


My Experience with the DAO Toolset


Honestly? 1% out of 100% one could say, which is basically none. And I do know this project is a bit "dramatic" and/or "ambitious" for one who doesn't know much. That's one of the reasons why I want to do this "big" project. To learn.


The Plot of Khalgarim Bay


Your character finds him-/herself here without a clue how he/she got there. Waking up in a mental hospital called the "Estate". Khalgarim Bay, the whole area, is going to be a place in turmoil (not because of darkspawn) due to over-population, a den of thieves, blood mages (that basically rule this "nation") and similar haywire. Oh and people at Khalgarim Bay dislikes Grey Wardens. A lot. There will be darkspawn present, although not many of them (well... that is until a certain triggering point of the story >=D).


The plot is, in short, basically your character running around trying to figure out where he/she is and how he/she got there, helping against this turmoil, or destroy even more for them (>=D). Sorry for not giving you any novels or similar still working on it. Well I could give you an excerpt:


"From Blood thou hath been Born. Demon. We can't have that. Can we? Demon. You shall be purged. Just like the rest of them. Demon. You may call yourself Grey, but I can see what boils within you. That crimson river that pumps throuugh your veins! That bitter, sweet hunger which lingers, feasting upon your soul. Demon. They call you a Warden? Yees, yes indeed. I... however... agree to... disagree. Now you die Demon." - Oder, the Blood Mage


Thank you for reading and I hope it gave you some humor



P.S I will be working on a "homepage" (a forum rather) for this project as well. And there will be, hopefully, frequent updates on that page. I will edit this post, or post a response later with the link to that site.

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