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Performance tweaks


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Was out hunting mods (or any thoughts) to get my fps a bit higher...


I'm doing pretty well, the game plays fine (actually great) indoors, and even in Megaton, but... outside, wandering, I get a noticeable drop in performance. (Grrrr!)


I have found two on this site so far, any of you folks know of more?


  • Remove muzzle flash
  • And one that adds distance fog

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You can try lowering anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing, that really helped me. Also if you're using Nvidia graphics card, go to Nvidia control panel and set Maximum pre-rendered frames to 6 or less (default should be 2), really smooths out my game. Do not use Fallout Street lights mod and MMM (increased spawn) mod if you're having major lag outside.


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11146 - less rocks

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5123 - low resolution textures

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3711 - taking out the thrash

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11116 - clutter free world

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Thanks for those. :)


One issue...


The low res textures. The mod manager gives me "Error loading all_in_one.fmod. cannot find central directory."


And it has no esp (which I think is ok as it's just a texture overwrite.)

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Hey I don't know WTF happened, but I was having some major lag using the normal setting for graphics, yet when I set it to Ultra, everything was 'ultra' textured, and absolutely no lag. when I switched it back to normal, the lag returned. could this be a mod effect? It really was a pleasant surprise for me.
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