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Performance tweaks


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But then again, if you're playing fallout 3 with, according to FOMM, 97 plugins, lag is comparable to a disease or allergy. :blink: And a ctd :wallbash: is like a heart attack or a spasm.


You didn't mention about having any mods or not when setting you've set it to ultra and getting smooth gameplay. Increasing graphical settings still would cause lag if your rig isn't sufficient enough to handle it.


Now that you've mention about mod plugins, of course it lags and takes more processing power from your PC. It doesn't depend on the number of mods you're running but the type of mod. Overhauls usually cause the most lag for mods. Reducing screen resolution also helps reduce lag.

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Yes, it does help but only minor. But if you want a real difference, then try these:



Fallout stutter remover: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8886


If you're using Nvidia graphics card, go to Nvidia control panel and set Maximum pre-rendered frames to 6 or less (default should be 2)


Turn water reflection quality to medium and turn off soft reflection, you won't notice any difference but it helps reduce lag. Lower your anti-aliasing and screen resolution too if possible. Try not to use more than 1 overhaul mods at a time, will drastically increase lag if your rig isn't up for it. Make sure your CPU temperature has an optimum temperature of 48C to 55C when you play, if it crosses over 60C then it'll definitely lag and cause CTD.

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Hey I don't know WTF happened, but I was having some major lag using the normal setting for graphics, yet when I set it to Ultra, everything was 'ultra' textured, and absolutely no lag. when I switched it back to normal, the lag returned. could this be a mod effect? It really was a pleasant surprise for me.




Hrumph! http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk242/nequam37/Smilies%20II/getyou.gif


Must be nice! lol


I saw a setting somewhere that said something like; "Enable explosions reflected in water."


That sounds too cool. Someday...

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