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Call of Pripyat


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I just got it today. I'm going to go ahead and say that it has the best graphics of any game ever made. It's kind of odd, though. Certain things in the game look like They're 6 years old(trees). Anyways, the shadows and lighting are amazing.I'm running it with DX 11 on an ATI 5770, 8 gigs of RAM, and an i7 860, and on the max settings, it generally gets 30+ fps (1920x1080), but indoors with lots of shadows and lighting, it can drop. It's a pretty hard game so far on Veteran difficulty. Sniper Rifles are terrible (your bullet drops about a foot every 100 meters, which I'm fairly sure isn't normal). Also, sometimes, bullets go straight through enemies but don't damage them.
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Hmm judging by the screens they look alright, lol after playing heavy rain this looks mediocre at best, waits for Crysis 2 lol. One question, is it all voice acted or is it like the the original, scripted in some parts?.
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I'm planning on getting this, since I've played and liked the both previous games. It's not really the technical graphics, but rather the enviroment that makes your jaw drop. These games are really beautiful. The trees are rather poor, the stiffishly waving grass aren't very impressive... But they all go together to paint such a beautiful painting. Another thing I just love is the lighting-engine. The darkness really IS dark, and it reacts very well with your character's flashlight. I remember once when I was going to do some looting, when night fell and it began to rain quite heavily. You really didn't see a thing, and the flashlight weren't much help. So, I got afraid, thinking of lurking bloodsuckers and all, and decided to sit around the campfire, listening to the guitar instead. Fun times!


Now, I also quite think that Crysis 2 will be more mediocre than the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-series, at least in my own opinion. :wink: But, they do get some points for having it take place somewhere off that fiercely contested Cry-island of theirs.

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I once left Base Camp looking for a new gun. It was dark and raining very heavily and there were noises in the distance. I came upon two stalkers under a bridge sitting by a fire. They were neutral so I sat there for a while. Then, out of nowhere, one of them get's shot down. The other get's up, looks around, can't find anything but stays on guard just in case. Then, there's a full scale assault on our little camp. The stalker Im with kills two guys, but is taken down. I edge my way past an anomaly inside the bridge and move back. The eneemys dont see it and run into it. They died a horrible death.


What I was trying to tell you in my little story, was that what STALKER lacks in graphics it makes up for with gameplay and atmosphere and like Kazakovich said, the lighting is superb.


Played the first one, Shadow of Chernobyl and thought about getting Clear Sky but apparently it isn't as good. Might get this game, but there's so many coming out I don't know what to choose...

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Retribution your right, hmm wonder why i can't seem to find any decent screens. Almost like it doesn't exist.


i might get this game, so many to choose from this year.

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