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Real Mr. House becomes invisible


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For some odd reason the real "mummy" Mr. House becomes invisible. All I can see is his beard and all the gizmos that are attached to his body (but not the skin itself).

I am using an ENB and it seems that its the culprit. When I deactivate the ENB then I can see House. I switched off all my mods and it still happens, only when I switch off the ENB it seems fine. I tried a different kind of ENB but it's usless. How come the ENB is messing with character skins? Doesn't make any sense. Can anyone tell me what can I mess with to try and fix it?



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A curious thing. I had the same issue and wasn't able to find a solution. Doesn't seem to be archive invalidation (also didn't install a custom mummy texture) and I don't think ENB is supposed to affect textures in such a way?

Edited by yunage
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