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Charon kills my save games

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First time it happened, I thought it was a fluke. Didn't touch the game again for two years. , though. I played to level 12, got Charon, and things were fine until I got the mod to make him essential. things were fine a bit longer, then bam. My saves refused (as in CTD on loading), or shortly after loading.


Two years later (as in now) I did the same thing, with same results. I won't be doing this again.


I'm assuming it isn't Charon per se, but something to do with Essential Followers mod. all I can figure is the game didn't like me adding it in later as an afterthought, as opposed to starting with it from the beginning. since all I could do (after much fooling with mods and mod order and removing mods etc.) was uninstall then re-install, this is more of a "what caused this, and how can I prevent it in the future thing?" Other than occasional crashes, the game was very smooth with no issues before. Thanks in advance!

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