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How Do You Rock Out?


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My Nord is a big fan of side quests...i did the main quest for awhile and kept at it because i wasnt sure if it was time sensitive and then my friend pointed out "to role play properly you should stick to the main quest and only the main quest because if you were in that world wouldnt youstick to trying to save it as apposed to trying to advance youself in some guild?" so then i felt bad abandoning it and not staying true to the game but eventually i said screw that and have rattled off like 15 misc quests, advanced myself in a few guilds and went through some ruins. As for the whole to fight or not to fight question, I try to make my nord as good hearted as i can. I kill no innocent man (on purpose) that doesnt deserve it according to the mission at hand.






You shouldn't feel bad, I did the MQ 3 times (between 2 charactars because I accidentally deleted the save game after I completed it the second time while cleaning out my saves folder so I can make it load faster. >:( >:( Angry Marlo (one of my cats)). So, I completed it a third time with my Imperial. So, anyway, the only good part about completing it is that you won't be annoyed by just walking near an oblivion gate and be attacked by Daedra. At level 35, once, I go attacked by 20 Xivilais, and that's serious, so that is the only reason why the main quest is worth completing.

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  • 2 months later...

Playing Pokemon!


I've become an OCD collector. One of everything common, every unique item,etc. Just for kicks, I'm working on a massive alchemy collection (100 of everything). Right now, I'm working on finding all 305 nirnroots. Up to 302 now, and can't seem to locate the last 3 ANYWHERE.


And if you think I'm crazy, you're right. But what else can I do after finishing every quest, killing everything in every dungeon, and maxing out at level 50???

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Playing Pokemon!


I've become an OCD collector. One of everything common, every unique item,etc. Just for kicks, I'm working on a massive alchemy collection (100 of everything). Right now, I'm working on finding all 305 nirnroots. Up to 302 now, and can't seem to locate the last 3 ANYWHERE.


And if you think I'm crazy, you're right. But what else can I do after finishing every quest, killing everything in every dungeon, and maxing out at level 50???


go for lvl 255. by getting a massive bounty go to jail, and then train the skills back up again, repeat again and again. It works!



finished everything, except the Mages Guild (wimps) lvl 255 assassin. and currently looking for some decent quest mods.

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K'shirra likes to collect valuables and displays them in her Skingrad home while sniping off most enemies before they even knew she were detected. Took out the Grey Prince with less than 10 elven arrows! She's one bad bitchkitty ;)


Wih-Ju recently converted from a 1H to 2H blade user. He likes going beserk in the Oblivion planes against moderate (4v1) to insane (10v1) odds [thanks to Martigen's mod] , using his claymore and custom expert and master destruction spells to battle off the daedra. When I mean custom I mean custom insane ( 100 shock damage @ 10 feet ) really hurts (killed 2 guards @ start of DB quest with one shock zap to slay that dunmer you see at start of game)...and Wuh-Ji is level 32 so it makes those guards level 42?


He finds daedric armor ugly and sticks with ebony instead. Gets rich off selling daedra drops in Oblivion too!


Full time good guy, part time bad boy.

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Takimaru, the Imperial with a bit of Avarkiri blood in his veins is your everyday knight. With of course a few traits that made him unique. One would be his odd highway attacks on merchants. He has killed a caravan once by sniping at them and then picking them off, well beyond the range of the Bruma Authorities. When he is not adventuring or killing things with his Katana, Takimaru is stealing things at manors/castles. Despite not being a thief, he has nimble fingers and is able to escape from a dangerous situation. Takimaru's other hobbies include: Drinking, mixing potions, gathering herbs and ingredients and reading the real barenziah trilogy (Another citizen of Cyrodiil has learned to enjoy a good book)
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