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Hi guys..Is there a very good tutorial on how to add all character texture mods and body mods to not get seems and gray faces?


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Hello all


I've been down this road before, massively got into modding ths game around a year ago. Probably spent 2 weeks installing and resinstalling this game with a whole plethora of mods installed. It took me maye 6 full reinstall attempts before I got it absolutely how I wanted it with no neck seems etc. But sadly I had to buy a new SSD so just been spending the last few days reinstalling with all my mods. The thing is, I get all my Skyrim mods done, Immersion modes, Gameplay mods etc, leaving my charcter mods right to the very end, but everytime I do my character mods, I get horrendous neck seems or grey faces. I've followed every readme and installed payces and fixes which should get rid of the neck seems, but I Still get them


Could anyone please please hold my hand and go through with me just one more time. I've spent the last 2 days trying 4 or 5 times to get it right, but everytime no success. These are the mods I've done so far all from Realvision


Now decide to go on with Realistic Lighting Overhaul or Enhanced Lights and FX.
These videos will help you with your decision: Video 1, Video 2

Option A:
Realistic Lighting Overhaul by The Realistic Lighting Team
my preference for realism!

All Realvision and ENB mods

Now when I do these character mods plus the various updates and fixes, my characters, even the npcs get dark faces or neck seems

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