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Full Fallout Realistic Overhual


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I'm looking for (and I'm sure I'm not the only one here) a series of mods that have to meet a series of several requirements:


1.) Realistic sounds for weapons and all other sound effects (i.e everything NOT sounding like a 80's action film, etc).


2.) Realistic weapon aiming (i.e no zoom on non-scoped weapons; centered aiming on non-scoped weapons such as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or Metal Gear Solid 4; etc.)


3.) Realistic damage (i.e. a shot in the head will kill a person including yourself; a couple of shots in the body will kill a person including yourself; think Rainbow Six on hard; etc.)


4.) Realistic environment (i.e. lots of people/creatures without screwing with Fallout lore meaning more not new; capable of walking in EVERY building; radiation in everything especially in the river and other standing water is no longer a joke; architecture and landscape pertains to real life DC minus the Fallout lore liberties; textures and meshes appear realistic; etc.)


5.) Realistic weapons (i.e. real world weaponry without changing the Fallout lore; etc.)


6.) Realistic characters (i.e. NPC's appear real; nudity for both genders; sex/prostitution; clothes and equipment on NPC's change a daily basis; not everyone looks alike or is built the same unless they happen to be a Gary clone; eating, drinking, sleeping are all required for survival; marriage; etc.)


7.) Realistic society (i.e. farmers; towns expanding instead of isolated; large population since it has been 200 years; all forms of vice including stip clubs and drug dens; more buying and more selling of slaves; penal system based on individual town society; etc.)


8.) Realistic vehicles (i.e. car, motorcycle, tank, helicopter, boat all based on the Fallout lore; any Fallout lore based vehicles not in vanilla Fallout such as Airships; etc.)


9.) Maintaining Lore (i.e. not jacking with the vanilla concept by changing it; add-ons that abide by lore; etc.)


10.) Utilities (i.e. mod loaders such as FOMM; mod organizers to set loading order properly and that prevent crashes and conflicts; mod assistants such as FOSE; etc.)


11.) FULL compatibility with GOTY/all DLCs as well as each other


12.) Stable with minimal conflict


These requests and my goals are all intended to make the most out of the game by making it as real and as immersive as possible while at the same time adhering to the fiction, lore, and fantasy of the Fallout universe. I believe that in today's gaming, mods can make a video game far more than what it was. Reality can blend with fiction and still be entertaining. Think about this: the Matrix. The concept of the Matrix was accentually a video game that your brain couldn't tell the difference between it and reality, right? Well I want to recreate that same concept with Fallout 3 without putting a hole in my head lol. Sure you are going to have Super Mutants but that makes with the lore. However, do all the other astetics of the game have to be equally fictitious? NO!

I ask for the Nexus community's assistants in a project that has a goal I know others share. Help me compile a list of mods that adhere to my 12 requirements. Let us build a realistic Fallout together, and once we have accomplished this I WILL post the mother of all realism overhaul mod packs that will end all arguments and give credit to the great modders of the Nexus community that not only help in compiling this list but also are responsible for the mods that we all discover for this list and future mod pack.

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I don't think you request it in your list, but I'm working on a hunger/thirst/sleep mod that assigns hydration, calorie, protein, nutrient, and alcohol levels to every ingestible, and keeps track of them individually. A lot of the data was pulled from nutritiondata.com (easier to balance than pulling it all directly out of my @#! - I had no idea a fifth of scotch had that many calories). Alcohol is also handled realistically, with different ingestibles increasing your Blood Alcohol Content by different amounts, and BAC gradually depleting over time (you'll go from hammered to drunk to buzzed to sober over the course of a few hours). It's more or less operational now, and is in the balancing/debugging phase. Look for Imp's More Complex Needs on the F3Nexus in the next few days, if you're interested.


*edit - here's a link to the beta



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