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[WIP] Apprentice Companion-Quest Mod


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It may seem odd that a [WIP] tag is at the beginning when this thread is clearly for requested mods, but hear me out, I have a reason.


The main goal here is to create a companion-quest experience that I know has been accomplished in the past (specifically with Oblivion), but with Skyrim it seems sort of lacking. To me, the community is more interested in flat, cookie-cutter, eye-candy followers that are completely devoid of any personality and are merely outfitted with a simple follower script. And the follow up to that is that the follower needs to be marriageable. Unless someone can explain to me why people find this so attractive, I am currently perplexed by it.


In my opinion, followers only really work if they have not only a personality and backstory, but a questline as well. A reason for them to exist in your world. And I don't mean a quest where the two of you meet at a tavern and you have to go kill a bear or something, I mean an emotionally driven experience that has both you and the specific companion working off each other, whether he/she is a teammate or rival. Or enemy. There is a potential somewhere in combining follower mods with quest mods, and I want to bring that potential to fruition.


The mod I want to put together is about something I don't think I've seen before, at least not as a central theme: the Dragonborn's seniority and ideas for the future. Many of the mods I've come across do not require that any vanilla quests be completed, meaning that anything related to the Dragonborn's history you've created in the game will have little to do with the events. I want this changed. In the story I want to craft, the prerequisites for this story are to complete "Dragonslayer", "Kindred Judgment", and "At the Summit of Apocrypha". This way there will be a basic sensation that the Dragonborn deserves some respect and the benefit of the doubt. And to make all of this prevalent in the story, I want to bring this out through a companion - an apprentice, specifically.


The basic story as it is introduced is about the Dragonborn taking a young girl under his/her wing and teaching her about the world as you have seen it. This will reflect on your own philosophies as a hero, villain, adventurer, etc. What you teach her and how you do it will ultimately guide her own future decisions further into the story.


Now, why does she have to be a young girl? Well, on top of this she has to be pretty. And a vampire. And before anyone says "Oh great, this was sounding somewhat interesting until he fell into the basic fetishes of every perv on the Nexus," and then subsequently return to the thread list to find something more suited to your tastes, hear me out. LIke the rest of the story, nothing is obvious until the final quests of the mod. And I don't mean in that "femme fatale" kind of way, I mean she is pretty for a reason. She is a vampire for a reason. There is an underlying story beneath all of the seemingly random events that are only connected in the end. There is no happy ending here; it's not about that. This story, based on player decision, will range from having a bittersweet ending that overlooks the uncertainty of the future to a tragedy that centralizes the importance of sacrifice, and your willingness to protect what you believe in.


So your question at this point is, if I have all of this planned out, why is this in the requests section? Because I actually have no idea how to make a mod. I've opened the CK a few times to look at other mods, but I have no experience otherwise. This post is actually meant to request help from someone who enjoys the coding aspect of a mod, but never had the motivation to either write something to go with it or put anything coherent together. I'm not trying to mooch off of anyone's hard work, as it will be a team effort, I just know there are a lot of amazing coders out there that have no story, and a lot of storytellers that have no experience in coding. I don't have any official experience with writing (I have written a few books but nothing that has been published so really they are just doorstoppers right now), but I think it would be fun to start with a mod.


If anyone is interested, feel free to either post here or send me a PM. Just warning you, this will be a long and possibly challenging project. And if no one is interested, then I will eventually just have to learn to code myself, which is fine. I really just wanted to give a coder the chance to show off their skills without having to worry about anything else.

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