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GARU, Infinite ammo for player


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For the GARU mod, can anyone tell me how to apply it to my character? I recently took up some holdout mods and after around 500 dead ghouls later my ammo counts running low.


I know I can just use console commands to spawn ammo but the wide variety of some ammo types make it a bit of a hassle to always add more without going overboard or having to stop in middle of a round to do so.


I also have infinite ammo companions which adds a source but the "Cheat" esp doesn't seem to work

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Well how the GARU works is if your follower gets low it spawns more ammo in their inventory, so if you just take a majority of ammo from them it spawns another 500+ and then repeat if needed. You will have to give your follower a gun that uses the ammo you want and at least one ammo for it for the follower to equip it and the GARU will spawn ammo. Hope that helped.

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