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Dragons falling


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If you are a good shot, you probably fight dragons using a bow and arrow, or a targeted spell or two (ten). You may even have killed the dragon as it was flying overhead. You may also have had to chase this dragon over the hills and far away, as it searches for the closest location for a dramatic knockdown landing, dying immediately afterwards. Oh, and it has to be vacant, no previous dragon corpse there, or it goes to the second closest location, which you have to delve through a dungeon or something to get to. By the Divines, that is annoying.


I want a mod which changes this. What I'm looking for is a mod which sends the dragon into ragdoll mode the moment its HP reaches zero. I have absolutely no idea if this is possible, or if it's hardcoded, or if it's too much to bother with, but I'm requesting it.

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