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70's Style Fallout 3?


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You know, i had the idea of an Washington D.C. district that has

been cut off from the rest of the world since the war (That

means also, there are no Supermutants, but perhaps the

inhabitants or same of them have turned into Ghouls).

The people there took the 70s to their liking and lived this way through

generations ever since. It would be a Hippie district and you

only get there by accident, when a Metro blows up and it

can be acessed for the very first time.


Not all reallife Washington D.C. Areas where made in Vanilla,

there a alot more, waiting to be created (not just tweaked).


I think this would be a coul job for D.C. Interiors.


Perhaps if someone asks nicely?



I'm not sure 70's culture would survive long after the bombs fell. Free love and flower power would quickly die out in such a bleak world. You could see the remnants of it, but I don't think any people would still carry the same attitude.


I do believe you're mistaking 70's culture for 60's culture. The 70's were more a time of cool cars, great rock music and Disco dancing, although I am sure some of the 60's culture did continue on into the 70's. Hippies are usually too stoned to let a little thing like a post-apocalyptic, cannibal-infested, desolate wasteland get them down. Everything is groovy when you can't feel your fingers and the supermutant aiming a rifle at your head looks like a giant Buddha holding a bong.




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Im lost.

The game design based on 50's-60's America, with "high tech future stuff".

In 70's, the rock ruled. Well, but the things was the same until 80's-90's.


So you want to make the game a bit "Hot Rod, Rock'n'Roll,Gangshit?"

Im with you xD

Cant mod by the way just wishing luck;)

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Bleh. I'd be happy if we could find as stash of someone's Music on holotapes, AC/DC, 'Maiden and stuff. That'd be pretty cool although a hippy commune would be freaking hilarious. Especially if it turned out they had a crapton of weapons they refuse to use... "I'm a hippy! The only thing I've ever shot is acid!"
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