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Dr. Who!!!!


IS this a good idea?  

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  1. 1. Is this a good idea?

    • Hell yeah!
    • I'm not sure
    • Not reallt
    • Dr. wawho now? what is this bullarky?

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Ok so this would take some work here so bear with me on this, ok so I was searching through stuff and I was like "wait, I have an idea!!!!!" ok so people seem to like dr.who, so why not make dr who related stuff, here it is listing from easiest(from what I little I know and estimating) to hardest


easy stuff/mesesh adn textures pretty much

--the 9th doctor aka new docotr who show's 2nd doctor's suti including one with the trench coat and one without and just the blue suit

--The hair, and not something lame liek "oh we'll just make a hat thing that looks like his hair" but like his hair in hair selection,

--making a preset face(if that's possible) that has his face premade, i think number 9 would do cause it'd be kinda funny lol


the harder stuff aka weapons

--ok so doctor who uses the best tool ever!!!! so,

sonic screwdriver that shoots energy blasts (should use alien cell) and shoudl add an enourmes bonuses to things like lockpick ad waht not, any doctor who fan shoudl know what would be proper, however from my knowledge this might not be possible but have a side misc item or something that boosts that stuff upm and I mean liek make it so it autotically jumps you up to 100 cause doctor who is the poo like that look at the end for other ideas of this,

--A sexy girl companion to tag along would be a nice touch(it may be hard but with a nice good ole' bitish accent woudl be effin awsome bonus on that one

--and a robot dog companion that talks I forget his name cause it's late at night but he would work like dogmeat cept he would also 60% repair your items and generate stippacks or sokmething and tell cheesy jokes like the house robot lol



--ok now this sounds crazy, but a transport vehicial that automatically transports you to a location of your choice (if can be done only places on you map) if not or as a bonus if you can have it so it can send you into a random place. so prettuy much the tartus, it should let you rest too so maybe a building that is oiutside everyplace, tgat has a consol that opens up and lets you go somewhere or change the time of day

---ok so for the sonicscrewdriver it should be able to open up a menu on locked thigns or computers to automatically do it and have it at a 90% succede so in other words have it so you can auto hack or auto unlock with it having a10% fail chance (to add challenge and not be all uber god mode on stuff) that would be super awsome and you wouldn't need to major upgrade thing to the weapon of sorts


now i now it's like "ok you got these ideas, do them your self you lazt male without a father, but I make ideas i'm not extreamly computer savy but I know my way simple things like making a machine gun have exploding rounds, but I don;'t make meshes I don't know how to make a layout of a texturem and i'd make a shitty texture, in otherwords if this shoudl be made it shoudl be made by a person or a team of people who can make thebest dr.who stuff ever and be appeasing to the eyes and mind, unlike if I tried to maek this It would suck no one would want it and blah blah blah :D lol

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