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Ammo Container with graphical feedback


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It is easy to "store" some weapons in a shelf or on a table... so this is some way to get a better atmosphere for the very own Armory. But it is a pain in the ass to manually drop ammunition and grab/drop it on a table or on a shelf.


I've seen a Script in a Mod called "Bunker 72" that let you sort your weapons. They get removed off the inventory and stored at fixed positions in some shelves around you. The Script is activated trough a terminal nearby.


Could somebody make this for Ammunition, too? (not in Bunker 72... I am asking more in general).

It would be great if for example you have stored 100x10mm Bullets in the "Container" it will show 2x10mm Ammo Boxes on a Shelf nearby. If for example you drop 500x10mm Bullets in there it will show 10x10mm Ammo Boxes on the shelf.


Well maybe Shelves are not the best thing for alot of ammunition... maybe it could be like a big Storage from today. You have a big storage room and If you drop Ammunition in a Box at the room entrance, it will be graphical shown in the storage room. Like placing big Ammo Boxes or Containers or something like that in the storage room at fixed positions... so somebody could really have his own Armory to unleash a new World War :-D (well physical we could already have that... but not for the Eye).

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That would be fantastic. I am going to be working on a custom home for myself. I would love to have that feature in my home. Would be nice to have that visual reference.


Would not mind having that for more than just ammo. Nuka Colas, my workbench items, armour and weapons. Is there really a limit to it all.


A gun rack, with the ammo shelf next to it. Assault and chinese rifle gun racks with ammo shelf in the middle. Or even those gun lockers where one half is a door and the other is shelves. That would work out nicely. Thrown the guns and ammo in to the locker and your ammo appears on the shelves. Several of those and your amoury would not need so many shelves, ammo boxes, and lockers.


Throw some mines or grenades in one of those lockers, with the shelving lockers of the same type in a row, and the mines and nades appear on the shelves.


Something similar for meds and drugs. Even dirty and purified water. Dry food items and colas. You could really make a home look like it was used. instead of container happy. Clothes, armour, accessories. A few dummies to show off armours and clothes. Some gun displays for the walls and display cases for certain collectables (like the documents form the museum, the Lincoln action figure).


Well.. now that you have my mind racing...



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Jepp... you should look into the "Bunker72" Mod... there is a terminal that sorts all Vanilla FO3 Weapons into shelves. I think it works like this...


You activate the script and the Script then does place a Container in the shelf that looks like the Weapon you have added... the downside... if you add for example 5 Assault Rifles there is just one displayed in the shelf and if you cursor over it, it is like "Assault Rifle (5)"... if you open this "container" there are exactly 5 AR in it.


But i would prefer a other way... a mainbox for Ammo for example... you put all the ammo kinds in one box and the stuff is displayed elsewhere. You can get a really good Depot Atmosphere with that... like this pictures...




The more Ammo you add the more is displayed... if it is modded for big scale storage from the beginning there should be no Problem... maybe space for 500.000 Bullets each caliber. Yes I am dreaming of a really big "Vault" with high walls... more like a hangar or something like that when it comes to size ^^


If somebody could figure it out for Ammo... other items will be no problem I think... there could be several really big rooms with pre made places to display the stuff, all you have to do then is to put the Items into the Mainbox of that Kind. So Armor goes to the Armor mainbox and Ammo to the Ammo mainbox and Drugs to the Drug mainbox... and so on. If I had more skill and understanding of the G.E.C.K. I would do it my own... but... well... it would consume a lot of time to get my skill to that point ^^


Hm maybe it works similiar like the Mannequin Mod? You put something into the Container there "the Mannequin" and the armor and weapon is displayed at the Mannequin. Maybe this can be ported to my wish in a moddified way... downside would be the modder would have to make many spots where the items can be displayed, so it is a lot of work... the Pro is, all the things have their place and nothing should go wrong with this system.

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